【人は、自らが真であると信じている擬似的な環境に基づいて反応するが、反応は実際の環境で起こる。反応が感情にとどまる場合、時間がかかるかもしれないが、反応が物や他の人々に対する行為の場合には、現実との矛盾がすぐに顕在化する。(ウォルター・リップマン(1889-1974))】In all these instances we must note particularly one common factor. It is the insertion between man and his environment of a pseudo-environment. To that pseudo-environment his behavior is a response. But because it is behavior, the consequences, if they are acts, operate not in the pseudo-environment where the behavior is stimulated, but in the real environment where action eventuates. If the behavior is not a practical act, but what we call roughly thought and emotion, it may be a long time before there is any noticeable break in the texture of the fictitious world. But when the stimulus of the pseudo-fact results in action on things or other people, contradiction soon develops. Then comes the sensation of butting one's head against a stone wall, of learning by experience, and witnessing Herbert Spencer's tragedy of the murder of a Beautiful Theory by a Gang of Brutal Facts, the discomfort in short of a maladjustment. For certainly, at the level of social life, what is called the adjustment of man to his environment takes place through the medium of fictions.
(出典:Walter Lippmann"Public Opinion",PART I. INTRODUCTION, I. The World Outside and the Pictures in Our HeadsPublic Opinion(Walter Lippmann))
